New Year, New Blog

Alright. I've been thinking for quite a while that I didn't like my blog name anymore... so I changed it. To something a bit more positive that combines my love of running and Shakespeare. So here you go Run-Juliet-run.

Now to pick up from where I left off. Its been a while...

So… it’s been quite the whirl wind couple of weeks for me this festive season.
Where on earth to begin?

Well… Conservatory is now complete and wrapping it up was quite a time. We presented our scenes a few weeks ago. Mine were Romeo and Juliet (Balcony Scene) and Hamlet (Get Thee to a Nunnery) both of which went quite well. I am especially proud of the R+J scene which is probably some of the best acting I’ve ever done and which (most happily) I am not through with yet. I will continue a bit of work on it as I stay at Shakes and Co for the Month-long Intensive as Workshop Manager, my partner and I will both be there and show it one last time. I’m really excited about it because the longer I work on the scene the more I discover about it. I guess the best work is always a work in progress…

Our show teched, opened, and closed all in one week and it went very well. I LOVED my costume and ended up loving my character quite a bit as well. The songs all worked out wonderfully as well and for probably the first time in my singing career I managed to get through all the singing without seizing up and getting nervous. It helps that the songs were all acapella and I could make slight changes day to day based on my voice. I’m very pleased with my performance and so unspeakably proud of all my comrades in the Conservatory, all of whom had a chance to shine in the show and in their scenes. It is no small thing I think for 16 people (all actors mind you) to get to the end of 13 weeks with no major drama. I am still amazed that as a group we were so loving and supportive of each other and of the work we did there every day. Saying goodbyes was tough. I don’t think it has really sunk in for me yet. But I also feel deep down that it’s not goodbye. It truly is just until next time. When we create together again. Which we will.

And for me of course it really isn’t much of a goodbye since I am still not leaving Shakes and Co. I’ll be here for one more month working. I love the Month-long. It set my whole life off in a different direction this year and I am so curious to see where it takes me this time and from this perspective.

I've sent out about 30-40 headshots and resumes in the last week searching for auditions for summer Shakespeare which will hopefully give me some options for the summer. We shall see!


  1. Love all those pictures of you. Miss you, lovely. Also: what auditions are these?? I swear I have no idea how to find them for myself...

  2. Well I have one for Shakespeare in the Valley next Tuesday in NYC and one on the 31st for Chesapeake Shakespeare. I have just been sending them out to every Shakespeare Festival I can find by email and snail mail and seeing who responds.


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