My first show of the summer has opened. Two Gents is on its feet with about 25 performances left.
And now all of us Interns are working on devising our next play Everyactor. Which is a play on the medieval morality play Everyman. We get to create it ourselves which has been a lot of fun so far. I am playing a slightly dim but lovable girl named Prudence and in the play within a play I am Good Deeds/ Angel. I'm really excited about this one and I hope some of you will be able to come out and see it. I wrote a song we're putting in it. And I'm learning to play the penny whistle and psaltery.
I was also cast in a show in Boston in the Fall, from the Stage Source audition I did in June. The show is with Appolinaire Theatre Company and its a modern play called Slasher. I play the younger sister of the main girl- Hildy. I'm really excited about it also.
So things are looking up here in the second half of the summer which is good since the first half was so very trying. I am looking forward to getting back to Boston, settling in and finding a job, figuring things out. I have been vaguely thinking of heading to NYC at some point also... but that's a bit too far in the future for me to deal with just yet.
Just wanted to give a quick update to those of you I haven't talked to in a while. I've been crazy busy. Love love love.
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